University of Venice a H-Farm Education, ktorí sú partnermi Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave v zoskupení HERMES, ponúkajú pre študentov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave Summer Programs. Viac info v maili od prof. Carla Carrara, resp. v priložených letákoch.


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

next summer H-Campus is going to host a nice series of summer programs
These programs focus on entrepreneurship and are meant to give students (both BA and master students) the basic knowledge and skills to develop their own startup
You can find all info here:
I am also attaching a few files presenting the 5 summer programs (from 3 days to 2 weeks)
All programs include cultural activities, visits to important Italian companies and innovative learning experiences
Students will be hosted in H-Campus (, a beautiful location in a beautiful environment, close to Venice.

Thanks and kind regards

Prof. Carlo Carraro



Brochure - Summer Programs,

Digital Product Design,

Innovative Italian Cultural and Learning Experience,

One-week Digital Enterpreneurship Program,

Two-week Digital Enterpreneurship Program,

Personal Enterpreneurship BootcampEnterpreneurship Bootcamp.