Dr. h. c. Prof. RNDr. Michal TKÁČ, CSc. – Dean of the Faculty

Mgr. Miriam MITROVÁ, MBA – Secretary of the Faculty


Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Emília DUĽOVÁ SPIŠÁKOVÁ, PhD. – Vice-dean for Science and Doctoral Studies, Statutory Representative of the Dean

Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Jozefína HVASTOVÁ, PhD. – Vice-dean for Education

Dipl. Ing. Matej HUDÁK, PhD. – Vice-dean for International Relations and Informatization

Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Barbora GONTKOVIČOVÁ, PhD. – Vice-Dean for Managing Academic Projects

Dipl. Ing. Jozef LUKÁČ, PhD. – Vice-dean for Development and Public Relations


Prof. Dipl. Ing. Bohuslava MIHALČOVÁ, PhD., PhD., EUR ING. – Head of the Department of Management

Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Silvia MEGYESIOVÁ, PhD. – Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods

Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Jana SIMONIDESOVÁ, PhD. – Head of the Department of Corporate Financial Management

Dipl. Ing. Katarína PETROVČIKOVÁ, PhD. – Head of the Department of Commercial Entrepreneurship

Dipl. Ing. Cyril ZÁVADSKÝ, PhD. –  Information Technology Manager

Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Michal TKÁČ, PhD., MBA – Project Manager

Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Lenka KUHNOVÁ, PhD., MBA – Marketing and Public Relations Manager

Dipl. Ing. Martin BOSÁK, PhD., Ing.Paed.IGIP, Prof. h. c. –  Manager of physical training and sport


Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Cecília OLEXOVÁ – employee representative

Michaela JOŠČÁKOVÁ – student representative

Bc. Matúš MARŠALA - student representative