
Registered seat: Masarykova ul. č. 9, 071 01  Michalovce

Phone no.: +421 (0)56 644 32 90; +421 (0)917 256 211


IČO:  31959288; DIČ:  2020744033


  • Prima banka Slovensko a. s., account no.:  SK45 5600 0000 0042 0039 6001
  • UniCreditBank, account no.: SK58 1111 0000 0013 8291 4004

Registered in the register of foundations under number: 203/Na-96/154


Main sponsors

SPP  kerex  chst chemkostav  vvs  Lidl  bsh  6 steel team  7 bell  c holcim

Activities of the Foundation

The Professor Čollák Foundation in Michalovce was established to:

  • develop and support university education and science at the Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava based in Košice and at the Michalovce pedagogical branch
  • support and organize educational activities
  • support and develop research activities in the field of operation management of healthcare facilities in patient care and in the field of prevention
  • establish partnerships with entities from Slovakia and other countries and exchanging know-how
  • support and develop more effective economically sustainable diagnostics

Foundation projects


Foundation bodies

Board of Trustees

  • Dipl. Ing. Michal Čelovský, MBA – Chairman of the Management Board
  • Dr. h. c. Prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.
  • Dipl. Ing. Martin Buršák
  • Dipl. Ing. Jozef Sokologorský, MBA
  • Dipl. Ing. Peter Medviď, MBA
  • Dipl. Ing. Peter Hajduk
  • Dipl. Ing. Marek Kubovčík


Foundation administrator, statutory representative

  • Dipl. Ing. Mariana Ivaničková, PhD., MBA

Phone: +421 (0)56 644 32 90



Supervisory Board of the Foundation

  • Ing. Ján Kerekeš, MBA
  • Ing. Peter Bálint, MBA
  • Ing. Ivan Balog


Curriculum vitae of prof. Čollák

Mikuláš Čollák
pedagogue, translator, journalist

(born 09.12.1906 in Oreské, died 14.01.1965 in Michalovce)

He was born to a family of teachers. He graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Košice in 1925, grammar school in Uzhhorod in 1926, the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Bratislava in 1930 and the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno in 1937.

From 1931 to 1964 he worked as a secondary school teacher teaching chemistry and physics in several towns (Zvolen, Spišská Nová Ves, Humenné, Michalovce). He was the director of the Teaching Academy, High School in Michalovce and lastly the Technical School of Civil Engineering in Michalovce.

As a pedagogue, he was engaged in the methodology of the teaching process. He was the author of textbooks: Inorganic chemistry for the first class of grammar schools (Bratislava 1947), Organic chemistry for the IV. class of grammar schools (Bratislava 1948), Chemistry I. and II. part for the 9th class of Eleven-year Secondary Schools (Bratislava 1957 and 1958). On the national round of Pedagogical Reading in 1961 he won the 1st place for his work Activity of pupils in chemistry classes. In 1964, he was awarded the title of Meritorious Teacher.

He was also involved in translating from Slovenian literature. During his studies in Brno, he lived with students from Slovenia and learned the Slovenian language. He translated the historical novel Under the Free Sun by Slovenian writer F.S. Finžgara and Scandal in St. Florian Valley by I. Cankar. He had written several short stories and essays: Črty o Zemplíne, Kračok, Ivan Cankar and Slovinci. He had published literary and cultural and historical articles, stories and sketch stories in newspapers and journals Slovenské pohľady, Slovenský denník, Kultúra, Elán, Slovenský Východ and Národné noviny. He left several short stories in the manuscript: Svetlo v tmách, Tibavský poklad, Prvé svetielko. He co-authored a representative publication Almanach Zemplína.

Prof. Čollak Foundation bears his name, that was founded to support university studies at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Economics in Košice and its pedagogical branch in Michalovce.



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