The foundation was registered by the Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic on December 29th 1993 under the name of the Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Kosice. It was renamed to Prof. Ing. J. Pázman Foundation with effect from January 1st 2000, and thus the academia of the Faculty of Business Economics honored the noble teacher prof. Ing. Julius Pázman, who was actively involved in the dissemination of economic education in eastern Slovakia.

The Foundation is a part of the Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Kosice, which guarantees high quality educational activities:

  • The foundation is an association of affairs and funds in order to develop spiritual values ​​and education especially in the economic field for students, teachers and scientific-pedagogical staff of the faculty and the general public.
  • Income from the foundation's activities are used to provide scholarships for students to cover the costs associated with study programs and internships in Slovak Republic and abroad for students and teachers, for the Prize of Prof. Ing. J. Pázman Foundation Academic Excellence, for the purchase of literature, for ŠVOČ and for the establishment of computer labs.
  • The Foundation through its activities bridges the space in society that faculty as a teaching institution can not cover.



Nadácia prof. Ing. Júliusa Pázmana
Tajovského 13
040 01 Košice
tel./fax: +421 (0)55/62 34 583

IČO: 31992196


donation of 2% of the tax

- Formulars for remittance of 2% of the tax



The Foundation focuses its activities on:

  • training courses to ensure the improvement and deepening of knowledge of youth aspiring to study at the University of Economics in Bratislava,
  • begginers and advanced language courses for students and the general public e.g. to improve the professional economic communication oin following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Russian,
  • training courses and consulting in the areas of: marketing, management, accounting, personnel work, taxation, accounting audit, human resources management, psychology etc.


The Foundation seeks to develop business and management consultancy providing individual, as well as comprehensive advisory services to interested businesses.

All these activities are carried out in concrete terms of the client separately or as a package of services.


Management Board


Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.


Dipl. Ing. Stanislav Legát

Juraj Pavlík


Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Eva Manová, PhD.


Dipl. Ing. Bartolomej Jusko


Courses based on the interest

Please visit Slovak version of the website for further information. All information are provided in the language of study (Slovak language) on the webpage Basic Information for Applicant


Biography of prof. Ing. Július Pázman

1907 - 1982

Economist and pedagogue Július Pázman was born on September 7, 1907 in Hodruš. In 1917 he began studying at the Evangelical Lyceum in Banská Štiavnica and completed his high school studies in 1925 at a real grammar school in the same town. He continued his studies at the University of Business in Prague, which he completed with a state exam in private economics and the national economy and became a commercial engineer. From 1931 he completed his education at Parisian schools, where he studied French, mathematics and psychology, and at the same time obtained a diploma at a vocational school for bank officials, later improving his English language in London. From there he returned to Paris, where, in addition to his studies, he also served as chairman of the Czechoslovak Students' Association. In 1934 he joined the Main Institute of the National Bank of Czechoslovakia in Prague as an independent clerk in the Department for Payments Abroad. From 1939 to 1946 he was the director of the foreign exchange department of the Slovak National Bank. Until 1948 he represented Czechoslovakia. Governor at the International Monetary Fund in Washington.

He transferred the knowledge from his professional practice to academic field, in 1946 he became a professor and until 1972 he lectured at the University of Economics in Bratislava. From 1948 to 1949 he held the position of rector and later vice-rector of the University of Economics, Prague and from 1953 to 1956 the dean of the Faculty of Production and Economics at the University of Economics.

He connected his life with the school and prepared students for the responsible role of becoming economists. He lectured on finance, accounting, business statistics, economics of individual sectors of the national economy, analyzes of economic activity of commercial enterprises and others. He also educated future colleagues - teachers of economic subjects.

Thanks to him, a full-time university study was established in the Košice branch of the school.


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