WEISS, Roland, Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Ing., PhD., MBA
- Associate Professor
- Room T13/13
- Phone +421557223234
107003 - Department of Corporate Financial Management
- Teaching activities:
- Financial management
- Financial and Economic Analysis
- Crisis Management
- Intracorporate controlling
- Publications:
ADC ZELENÁKOVÁ, Martina - LABANT, Slavomír - ZVIJÁKOVÁ, Lenka - WEISS, Erik - ČEPELOVÁ, Anna - WEISS, Roland - FIALOVÁ, Jitka - MINĎÁŠ, Jozef. Methodology for Environmental Assessment of Proposed Activity Using Risk Analysis. In Environmental Impact Assessment Review. - New York : Elsevier. ISSN 1873-6432, 2020, no. 80, pp. 1-14. (2020 - Current Contents). VEGA 1/0302/18, APVV-18-0033.
ADF WEISS, Roland - WEISS, Erik - ZUZIK, Jozef. Cost Optimalization Model in Mining Company. In Acta Oeconomica Cassoviensia : Scientific Journal. - Košice : PHF EU Košice, 2019. ISSN 2585-8785, 2019, vol. 12, no. 2, s. 77-86 online.
ADF WEISS, Roland. Comparison of Regulation of Financing of Housing Loans in Slovakia and Czech republic. In Visegrad Journal on Human Rights. - Bratislava : Pan-European University. ISSN 2644-5727, 2019, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 61-64.
ADF WEISS, Erik - WEISS, Roland - ČULKOVÁ, Katarína. Suggestion of Agro Tourism Development in Chosen Region of Slovakia. In Acta Oeconomica Cassoviensia : Scientific Journal. - Košice : PHF EU Košice, 2020. ISSN 2585-8785, 2020, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 73-79 online.
- Scientific research activity:
In his creative scientific activity, he is oriented on the issues of financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, performance, efficiency, competitiveness and stability of enterprises, financial markets, and the issue of measurement and evaluation of enterprises in the context of logistics management of the enterprise.
Professional focus
- Financial management
- Financial investments and profitability
Research area
- risk analysis and management,
- financial markets
- financial and economic analysis
- business performance
- educational tools
- KEGA - 013TUKE-4/2019 Moderné edukačné nástroje a metódy pre formovanie kreativity a zvýšenie praktických zručností a návykov absolventov technických odborov vysokých škôl.
- 012TUKE-4/2019 Podpora výuky pre rozvoj kompetencií v oblastí logistiky v súlade s konceptom Industry 4.0 pomocou virtuálneho laboratória počítačovej simulácie