BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, Aneta, Assoc. Prof. JUDr. Dipl. Ing., PhD.
- Associate Professor Study advisor for the II. degree of study (CBM-slovak and english)
- Room T11/11
- Phone +421557223243
107005 - Department of Commercial Entrepreneurship
- Teaching activities:
- International Business
- International Marketing
- Payment Systems
- Basics of Law
- Behavioral Economics
In past
- Strategic Management
- Managerial Decision Making
- Business Etiquette
- Publications:
BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. - BARLAŠOVÁ, T. 2021. The role of investment promotion policy in attracting foreign direct investment: The case of Slovakia. Public Administration Issues, 5, 27-40.
BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. - SUDZINA, F. - BARLAŠOVÁ, T. 2021. Direct and indirect effects of investment incentives in Slovakia. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(2), 1-12.
BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. 2021. The Digital Economy in the Context of Foreign Direct Investment Flows. In Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness With FinTech, RegTech, and SupTech. - Hershey : IGI Global, pp. 210-227.
BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. - BOBENIČ, T. - HAJDUOVÁ, Z. - SZAJT, M. 2020. The influence of firm-specific factors on firms´ performance. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 21(2), 115-128.
BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. - BRUOTHOVÁ, M. - VASKOVÁ, I. 2020. Does foreign direct investment boost innovation? The case of the Visegrad and Baltic countries. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 24(3), 106-121.
BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A. et al. 2018. Determinants of foreign direct investment inflows: A case of the Visegrad countries. Journal of International Studies, 11(2), 222-235.
- Scientific research activity:
Research area
- Doing business in international environment
- Foreign direct investment
- Digital economy
- Cultural diversity
- Market structures
- Competitiveness of companies
- Leader of the project KEGA 026EU-4/2021 Development of Global Business Literacy of Students of Economics and Management
- Leader of the project VEGA No. 1/0842/17 The causality links between foreign direct investments and firms´ performance
- Leader of the project VEGA No. 1/0149/08 The success of concentrations and their relationship to the competitiveness of the Slovak economy at the sectoral level
- On behalf of the University of Economics leader of the project financed by Visegrad Fund No. 21420287 Financial knowledge and skills of young future economists in V4 countries
- Member of the project team E-COOP – Digital Cooperatives, ref. No.: 1038R4, scheme: INTERREG IV
- Additional information:
Memberships in committes and boards
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University in Košice
- Member of the Departmental Committee of the Faculty of Public Administration, UPJŠ in Košice, in the field of study of political science
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journals Economic Forum, Academic Journal of International Economics and Management Research, Academic Journal of International Education Research
- Member of the Slovak Bar Association
Foreign lectures and research stays
- University of Pittsburgh, USA (2021)
- Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary (2020)
- Tokyo International University, Japan (2019)
- Masarykova univerzita v Brně, the Czech Reublic (2020, 2017, 2015, 2014)
- University of Udine, Italy (2019)
- University of Economics in Katowice, Poland (2018, 2017, 2016)
- Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine (2017, 2016, 2015)
- Aarhus University, Denmark (2013)
- Banku Augstskola, Latvia (2013)