JANOŠKOVÁ, Mária Ria, Assoc. Prof. PhDr., PhD.
- Associate Professor
- Room T13/14
- Phone +421557223291
107005 - Department of Commercial Entrepreneurship
- Teaching activities:
- Behavioral economics
- Consumer behavior
- Retail management
- Strategic marketing
- Entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises
- Basics of management
- Publications:
Best publications:
- ADC - Csikósová, A., Čulková, K. Janošková, M. 2016. Evaluation of quantitative indicators of marketing activities in the banking sector. Journal of Business Research, vol. 69, no. 11, 5028-5033.
- ADC – Csikósová, A., Malindžák, D., Janošková, M., Čulková, K. 2019. Dynamic model of polymer film production plan. Przemysł Chemiczny, vol. 98, no. 2, 214-219.
- ADC - Csikósová, A., Janošková, M., Čulková, K. 2019. Prediction of Developments in the Textile and Clothing Industry in Slovakia by Selected Indicators of Financial Analysis. Fibres and textiles in Eastern Europe, vol. 27, no. 4, 9-16.
- ADM - Csikósová, A., Janošková, M., Čulková, K. 2020. Providing of tourism organisations sustainability trough Tripple Bottom Line approach. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, vol. 8, no. 2, 764-776.
- ADM - Janošková, M., Bardiovský, G., Ondrík, B. 2016. Improving the quality of human resources services in the steel company through modern information technologies. Quality - Access to Success, vol. 17, no. 155, 120-124.
- ADM – Antošová, M. et al. 2013. Benchmarking research of steel companies in Europe. Metalurgija, vol. 52, no. 3, 410-412.
- AAA - Antošová, M., Csikósová, A. 2013. Corporate Social Responsibility in context of regional development. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing,
- AAA – Antošová, M. 2012. Managerial perspective of knowledge management in a company. Ostrava: VŠB-TU Ostrava.
- AAA – Janošková, M. 2021. Manažment zamestnávania. Pracovné miesto a jeho obsadzovanie v organizácii. Ostrava: VŠB-TU Ostrava.
- AAA - Čulková, K., Csikósová, A., Janošková, M. 2019. Effectiveness of investment to renewable energy sources in Slovakia. New York (USA): NOVA Publications.
- AAA - Csikósová, A., Janošková, M., Čulková, K. 2016. Industrial marketing. Case study Slovakia. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
- AAB - Antošová, M. 2012. Strategický manažment a rozhodovanie. Bratislava: Iura Edition.
- AAB – Antošová, M. 2008. Manažment ľudských zdrojov v praxi. Košice: ES FBERG TU.
- ABC - Janošková, M., Ubrežiová, I., Čulková, K. 2020. Talent management as a part of sustainable Human Resources Management. In: Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Collaborative Economy. Hershey PA (USA): IGI Global, pp. 347-369.
- ABC - Janošková, M., Palaščáková, D. 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic goal in business: A case study. In: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Practices, Issues and Global Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 109-144.
- ABC - Janošková, M., Csikósová, A., Čulková, K. 2018. Measurement of company performance as part of its strategic management. In: Managerial strategies for business sustainability during turbulent times. Hershey PA (USA): IGI Global, pp. 309-335.
- ABC - Csikosová, A., Janošková, M., Culková, K. 2017. Marketing of bank services: A case study of Slovak banks. In: Banking services, opportunities and risks. New York: NOVA Science Publishers, pp. 61-97.
- ABC - Antošová, M., Csikosová, A. 2011. Intellectual capital in context of knowledge management. In: The Economic Geography of Globalization. Rijeka: InTech, pp. 113-142.
Text books:
- ACA - Mihalčová, B., Gontkovičová B., Janošková, M., Stričík, M. 2019. Manažment. Teória a prax. Ostrava: VŠB - TU Ostrava.
- ACA – Ubrežiová, I., Janošková, M., Mura, L., Diačiková, A., Sokil, O. 2021. Teória a prax medzinárodného manažmentu a podnikania v multikulturálnom prostredí. Ostrava: VŠB – TU Ostrava.
- ACB - Csikósová, A., Janošková, M. 2018. Marketing. Košice: TU v Košiciach.
- ACB - Csikósová, A., Janošková, M. 2017. Medzinárodné podnikanie. Košice: TU v Košiciach.
- ACB - Janošková, M. a kol. 2015. Metodické materiály k podnikateľským zručnostiam pre neekonómov. Ekonomické a manažérske aspekty podnikania. Košice: TU v Košiciach.
- ACB - Antošová, M. 2014. Podnikanie. Vybrané aspekty podnikania v malom a strednom podniku. Košice: TU v Košiciach.
- ACB – Antošová, M. 2011. Manažment v teórii a praxi. Košice: TU v Košiciach.
- ACB – Antošová, M. 2007. Strategický manažment. Košice: ES / AMS.
- ACB – Antošová, M. 2006. Personálny manažment. Košice: ES / AMS.
- ACB – Antošová, M. 2005. Riadenie ľudských zdrojov a personálny manažment. Košice: ES / AMS.
- Scientific research activity:
In creative scientific activity, he deals with issues of social responsibility in business, strategic management and marketing, as well as human resources management. She has experience in solving the VEGA and KEGA projects (financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science of the Slovak Republic), until now she was the responsible leader of 3 VEGA projects, the representative of 2 VEGA projects and 2 KEGA projects, the solver of the OPV project and other national and international projects.
Head researcher:
- VEGA 1/0651/18 – Research on the impact of the institutional environment on social responsibility, customer satisfaction and business performance.
- VEGA 1/1033/12 – Indicators of socially responsible entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of regional development.
- VEGA 1/0270/08 - Draft model of knowledge management in the company and evaluation of investments in human capital, as a prerequisite for increasing the competitiveness of the entity.
- VEGA 1/0363/20 - Economic context of the share of women in managerial positions in enterprises of the Slovak Republic.
- VEGA 1/0310/16 - Identification of factors determining the bankruptcy of companies in the conditions of selected industries. (representative of the responsible solver)
- VEGA 1/0176/13 - Sustainable development of the region in the context of the use of human, capital and natural resources. (representative of the responsible solver)
- KEGA 242TUKE/2000 - Model solution for increasing the quality and efficiency of education in relation to the labor market.
- KEGA 005SPU-4/2019 - Theory and practice of international management and business in a multicultural environment.
- KEGA 031TUKE-4/2016 – Education of technical university students for the needs of the global labor market. (representative of the responsible solver)
- KEGA 015TUKE-4/2013 – Preparation of the subject Fundamentals of business skills for non-economists. (representative of the responsible solver)
- KEGA 037STU-4/2012 – Introduction of the subject 'Sustainable socially responsible business' into the Industrial Management study program at II. degree MTF STU Trnava.