The International Visegrad Fund is now offering Bachelor’s, Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships to study abroad at universities in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and/or at any accredited university/institute in other Visegrad country and in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine.

  • Students/researchers can apply for study/research at any accredited higher-education institution for up to 4 semesters.
  • The scholarship amounts to 2,500 EUR per semester for scholar + 1,500 EUR per semester for the host institution.
  • The application deadline for this call is March 15, 2021.

All information about the scholarship program can be found on our website

Poster Visegrad Scholarship Program

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