Based on long-term cooperation between our faculty and T-Systems Slovakia s.r.o., the competition MAGENTA GAME took place on April 21, 2017 at the premises of T-Systems Slovakia s.r.o. on the Žriedlova Street 13 in Košice.
The competition was focused on the area of corporate finance and was held in English language. From 11 of our students, 5 received payed internship during the summer in T-Systems Slovakia s.r.o. at Finance & Controlling BSC department, namely:
Hézsely Róbert
Kováčová Patrícia
Petrenková Jozefa
Rešovský Tomáš
Zajarošová Dominika
We look forward to another valuable collaboration with T-Systems Slovakia s.r.o.
Ing. Rastislav Ručinský, PhD.