With the help of the EXPERTISE project, silver workers (over 50s) can improve their digital skills to collaborate with more PSM (Purchasing and Supply Management) native colleagues and develop solutions for current problems.

All employees must be involved in the digital transformation, and special attention must be paid to silver workers, who often have difficult access to digital solutions. Due to the valuable experience that young professionals often did not have time to acquire, as well as due to the present demographic changes characterized by a lack of qualified workers, businesses and society cannot afford to lose such workers due to the new tasks that arise in the digitalization of PSM.

There are many options for training employees, but none provide individualized recommendations based on a transparently developed tool to measure PSM skills. The skills measurement tool of the EXPERTISE project should be highly tailored to individual skill gaps, and at the same time the training materials should be tailored to the needs of silver workers. By offering flexible options for vocational education and training (not the same vocational training for everyone, but each user receives an individual package of learning materials - the choice is based on the results of the tool for measuring skills) the process of training silver workers is made more efficient.

EXPERTISE strives to increase the employability of individual employees within the framework of Industry 4.0 transformation and at the same time the competitiveness of employers. Finally, the project supports the development of the competences of buyers in various regional labor markets within the EU.

Kľúčové ciele:

  • Zvýšiť kvalifikáciu strieborných pracovníkov v PSM tak, aby mohli úspešne pôsobiť v digitalizovanom prostredí.
  • Vyvinúť nástroje a procesy pre individuálnu analýzu zručností strieborných pracovníkov v PSM, ktorá venuje pozornosť výzvam digitalizácie, pokiaľ ide o pracovné metódy, technológie a úlohy.
  • Vytvoriť a sprístupniť vzdelávacie materiály prispôsobené potrebám strieborných pracovníkov na rozvoj digitálnych zručností v PSM.
  • Vytvoriť kvalifikačný program prispôsobený každému jednotlivému používateľovi, aby sa zlepšovali len skutočne relevantné zručnosti 
  • Rozšíriť nástroj na meranie zručností a vzdelávacie materiály v celej Európe tak aby ich poznali mnohí priemyselní partneri a využívali ich na primeranú prípravu svojich strieborných pracovníkov v PSM na prácu v digitalizovanom prostredí. 

 Viac informácií o projekte nájdete na:

Key objectives:

  • Increase the qualification of silver workers in PSM so that they can work successfully in a digitalized environment.
  • Develop tools and processes for an individual analysis of the skills of silver workers in PSM, which pays attention to the challenges of digitization in terms of work methods, technologies and tasks.
  • Create and make available educational materials tailored to the needs of silver workers to develop digital skills in PSM.
  • Create a qualification program tailored to each individual user so that only truly relevant skills are improved.
  • Spread the skills measurement tool and training materials across Europe so that many industry partners know them and use them to adequately prepare their PSM silver workers to work in a digitalized environment.

You can find more information about the project at:



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