The Faculty of Business Economics, as well as the entire University of Economics in Bratislava, wishes to keep improving. Please, help us in this struggle! Just assuming we know the good and the bad from your point of view, we can adequately react and improve, and thus create an even better environment and conditions especially for you!

Therefore, we regularly organise a Student survey “the Survey of Students' Opinions on Course and Teacher” every semester.

The survey is conducted at all faculties of the University of Economics in Bratislava in cooperation with the Student Parliament of the University of Economics in Bratislava and the student parliaments of individual faculties.

In the survey, you express your opinion on all courses taught in a given semester of the academic year.

  • The survey is carried out via AIS.
  • The survey is anonymous and voluntary, but we will be glad if you praise us for the good and on the other hand you point us what is done wrong.
  • The survey is evaluated after the end of the examination period of the given semester and the faculty management has access explicitly to summary data.

We would like to thank all the students who participated in the survey, and taking your comments seriously is not just a promise.

Evaluation of the "the Survey of Students' Opinions on Course and Teacher" - Winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024

The purpose of the Survey of Students' Opinions on the Subject and the Teacher is to allow the students of the University of Economics in Bratislava to express their opinions on the quality of the pedagogical process. The aim is to obtain information that will lead to the improvement of pedagogical work and to the adoption of effective measures in the pedagogical field contributing so to the quality growth of the teachers work and the entire University.

On the basis of the questionnaire "the Survey of Students' Opinions on Course and Teacher" - Winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024, it can be concluded that the students evaluate the quality of the pedagogical process at the Faculty of Business and Economics positively. They especially appreciate practical examples, connecting the discussed issues with practice, as well as the possibility of teamwork and solving case studies within seminars/lectures.

The following recommendations and actions have emerged from the evaluation of the survey and have already been formulated and adopted:

  • The teachers inform the students about the course requirements at the introduction meeting following the rules set according the Description of Course with detailed requirements in the Information document of the course at disposal to students. In case of uncertainty on the part of the students, the teachers present these requirements repeatedly. However, students' attendance in person at both lectures and seminars is a prerequisite for obtaining all information.
  • In case a student is interested in a partial topic that appropriately complements the course content and reflects new knowledge and current trends, the teacher considers including the issue in the course syllabus within the time capacity of the course.
  • In order to increase students' attention and motivation during the course, teachers effectively use the various teaching and learning methods (e.g. examples, case studies, projects, presentations of assignment results, discussions, team and independent work, etc.). Considering the requirement, a wide range of methods and their mutual combinations, including innovative and active methods, can be used subsequently in other courses.
  • For the sake of a deeper memorization of the covered material, teachers will put more emphasis on the summary of what has already been learned.
  • In order to highlight the continuity of topics, teachers will focus on clear definition of objectives and content of a given lecture/seminar, thus students can clearly understand the contribution of the currently discussed topic to increase the effectiveness of their work during the course.
  • At the end of each semester, the teachers promote the importance of the survey to support participation of students in it with the main goal to improve the quality of the pedagogical process at the faculty in the light of their comments. The activity will continue.

Dear Students,

Thank you for your opinions and suggestions. You can express them again in the Survey of Students' Opinions on Course and Teacher in the summer semester 2023/2024.